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Upsell Cart Hint fields explained

In the cart promotion backend view, under the “Actions” tab, you will see the following fields

The cart rule fields on the backend

We will explain the fields that configure the behavior of the upsell cart hints:

  • Display Upsell Cart Hints (Yes/No) – defines whether the upsell cart hints are displayed or not. That is, if this field is set to “No”, the hints won’t show up in the cart.
  • Action Label for Upsell Cart Hints – this is the message that will be displayed for the customer in the case that he didn’t complete the condition that is defined in the “Conditions” tab. That is, you can leave this field empty in case that you have no conditions defined in the “Condition” tab.


The condition is “Subtotal equals or greater than 100”, and the “Action Label for Upsell Cart Hints” is “to get 5% discount on bags!”. The customer adds items for $92 and goes to cart. In the cart he will see the upsell cart hint –“Add $8 worth more products, to get 5% discount on bags!”

  • Hide Cart Hints after the Discount was applied number of times – this field defines the number of discounts that were applied, after which the upsell cart hints won’t show up any more.

This field is only available for the Additional Promotions type actions. Ie, it is not available for the core actions – “Percent of product price discount”, “Fixed amount discount“ etc.


The promotion is “2+1 on all bags!”. The “Hide Cart Hints after the Discount was applied number of times” is 2. The customer has 1 bag in his cart, the upsell cart hint message is “Add one more bag, to get the next bag for free!”. The customer than adds 2 more bags to his cart. The upsell cart hint message is “You've got one bag for free. Add 2 more bags, to get the next bag for free!”. The customer adds 2 more bags to his cart. The upsell cart hint message is “You've got one bag for free. You can now add another bag for free!”. The customer adds another bag to his cart. There is no upsell cart hint in cart. The reason for this is that the discount was applied already 2 times, and since we set 2 in the “Hide Cart Hints after the Discount was applied number of times” field, the upsell cart hints won’t show up any more for this promotion. (Unless the customer will remove some bag(s) from his cart).

  • Display Cart Hints when Coupon is Invalid – if set to “Yes”, the hint will show up even when the coupon is invalid.

This field is only available for the Additional Promotions type actions. Ie, it is not available for the core actions – “Percent of product price discount”, “Fixed amount discount“ etc.


The promotion is “2+1 on all bags!”. The promotion has a coupon code. The customer has 1 bag in his cart. He applies the coupon code. The coupon won’t get applied, but the following cart hint message will show up – “Add 2 more bags to cart. Then try applying the coupon again. You should get one bag for free!”. The customer then adds 2 more bags to cart. He applies the coupon code again and gets one bag for free.

  • “Label for cart hints – singular / plural” fields inside the conditions tab - The “Products subselection” and “Product Attribute Combination” conditions in the “Conditions” tab, have the “label for cart hints – singular / plural” fields. Those fields define the label/name of the conditioned products, and are used to build the hint message. You must fill in those fields in order to upsell cart hints to show up.


Rule “Buy 2 pants and get 10% discount on your cart” –

The condition of the cart rule, with upsell cart hints fields filled in


See the full rule example in “Rule #4 example” in the following “Rules Examples” sub section

  • “Label for cart hints – singular / plural” fields inside the Additional Promotion rules - The rules that have Additional Promotions action (ie: not core Magento actions) have the “label for cart hints – singular / plural” fields. Those fields define the label/name of the discounted products, and are used to build the hint message. You must fill in those fields in order to upsell cart hints to show up.


Rule “Buy2 t-shirts, get 1 short for free!” -

An example of a BOGO promotion that has the upsell cart hints filled in