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Discount Steps

This promo type will make it possible to apply higher discount for the extra quantities of products that match a condition.

Promo example:

"Pay full price on the most expensive bag in cart, get the following 2 bags with 10% discount, and get the next 3 bags with 20% discount."

The "Discount Steps" promotion is similar to tiered pricing. However, the difference is that in this promo, only the additional quantities get the new discount. While in the classic tier, the whole quantity gets a cheaper price.

Therefore, this rule type can serve as a refreshing change for your tier discount. Or for some customers, it can feel that they save more money, because the percentages of the discounts here can be higher to yield the same final discount.


In the actions list, we have the "Discount Steps" action type -

Discount steps action is being selected in the cart rule configuration.

Once selected, the following fields will show up -

Discount steps fields are shown up empty.

Fields explanation

  • For products, for which ALL of the following conditions are TRUE – the condition on items in cart, for which the discount steps will apply.
  • Label for cart hints – singular / plural – the name that will show up in the cart hints, representing the items for which the discount steps will apply.
  • First … items with …% discount – the first discount step. In “First … items”, you fill the amount of items and in “with …% discount” you define which discount percent will be applied on those items.
  • Next … items with …% discount – the next discount step. In “Next … items”, you fill the amount of items and in “with …% discount” you define which discount percent will be applied on those items.
  • After … such items have been added to cart for full price – the amount of items that must be added to cart for full price, before the discount steps will apply.
  • Maximum Discount Amount – maximum discount amount that customer can get in his cart using this promotion
  • Products ordered by – the product order by which the promotion will work. Ie if the order is “cheapest” then the promotion will start applying the discount steps from the cheapest product in cart.

Discount Steps - Percent Discount


Discount steps percent discount rule example.

The rule in this example is – “Pay full price on the most expensive bag in cart and get the next 2 bags with 10% discount and the next 3 bags with 20% discount”.

Note: In our example, bag is any product that belongs to category 4.

Cart examples for this rule:

  • Customer has 1 bag (10$) and 1 bag (20$) in cart. The discount amount is 1$. (The most expensive bag (20$) was purchased for full price, the next one (10$) got a discount of 10%.
  • Customer has 2 bags (10$ each), 3 bags (20$ each) and 2 bags (40$ each) in cart. The discount amount is 16$. (The most expensive bag (40$) was purchased for full price, next 40$ and 20$ bag got a discount of 10%, and next 2 20$ bags and 1 10$ bag got a discount of 20%).

Upsell cart hints examples for this rule:

  • Customer has 1 t-shirt in cart. The upsell cart hint is “Add one bag for a full price, to get the following 2 bags with 10% discount.”

Discount steps percent discount rule is applied in the shopping cart.

  • The customer has 1 t-shirt and 2 bags in cart. The upsell cart hint is “You've got one bag with 10% discount. Get your next bag with 10% discount.”

Discount Steps – Fixed Discount


Discount steps fixed discount rule example.

The rule in this example is – “First 5 cheapest red or green products in cart get 2$ discount each, next 5 red or green products get 3$ discount each”

Cart examples for this rule:

  • Customer has 3 red items and 8 green items. The discount amount is 25$.
  • Customer has 4 green items in cart. The discount amount is 8$.

Upsell cart hints examples for this rule:

  • Customer has 2 red t-shirts in cart. The upsell cart hint is “You've got 2 red or green products with $2 discount each. Get your next 3 red or green products with $2 discount each.” –

Discount steps fixed discount rule is applied in the shopping cart.

Discount Steps – Fixed Price


Discount steps fixed price discount rule example.

The rule in this example is – “Get the 4th most expensive watch in cart for 20$”. Maximum discount amount is 30$.

Note: In our example, watch is any product that belongs to category 6.

Cart examples for this rule:

  • Customer has 2 watches (20$ each), 1 watch (30$) and 3 watches (40$) in cart. The discount amount is 10$. (The 4th most expensive watch (30$) was purchased for 20$).

Upsell cart hints examples for this rule:

  • Customer has 1 watch in his cart. The upsell cart hint is “Add another 2 watches for a full price, to get the following watch for $20 only.”

Discount steps fixed discount rule is applied in the shopping cart.